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作者:  发布:2019-12-03 11:09:30  点击量:

报告题目:Pushing the Limits of Coordination-Driven Self-Assembly: Construction of Giant 2D and 3D Supramolecular Architectures

报告人:Prof. Xiaopeng Li (李霄鹏教授)

University of South Florida



邀请人:朱锦涛 教授


李霄鹏教授2004 年于郑州大学化学系获本科学位,2008 年在美国克利夫兰州立大化学系获博士学位。2009 起在阿克伦大学从事博士后研究。2012 年在德州州立大学任化学系助理教授,开展独立工作。2016 年至今在南佛罗里达大学先后任助理教授、副教授。主要研究兴趣集中用超分子化学以及质谱表征技术。曾获得多个奖项,包括超分子领域著名的Cram Lehn Pedersen Prize(2019)、英国皇家化学会Fellow (FRSC, 2017)、中美华人化学与化学生物学教授协会杰出青年教授奖(CAPA2017)、德州州立大学杰出学术成就奖(2016)、美国Research Corporation 基金会 Cottrell 学者奖 (2015)。共发表150 余篇论文,文章总引用次数超过5000 次,H-index 42


Due to its highly directional and predictable feature, coordination-driven self-assembly has evolved into a well-established methodology for constructing 2D and 3D supramolecules. Up to date, this field has matured in the context of a large variety of macrocycles and polyhedra, which however, still suffered from a lack of complexity and thus were unable to reach the high degrees of functionality found in natural systems. With the goal of assembling structures with high complexity, we pushed the limits of coordination self-assembly through constructing a series of giant 2D and 3D supramolecular architectures. First, multi-armed building blocks were synthesized using pyrylium and pyridinium salts chemistry for the self-assembly of 2D nested concentric hexagons, or Kandinsky circles, which showed high antimicrobial activity. Second, step-wise strategy was utilized to combine folding and self-assembly together to construct fuzzy supramolecular hexagonal grids (diameter > 20 nm, MW > 65 kDa) with intrinsically ordered and disordered domains. Third, pre-assembled supramolecular polyhedra with precisely-controlled shapes and sizes could further assemble into double-helical nanowires with a non-natural parastichy pattern. In conclusion, through further understanding of self-assembly of supramolecules, our research could advance the design, research and development of new synthetic materials with molecular level precision.

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