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美国工程院院士Thomas P. Russell教授做客第391期化苑讲坛

作者:  发布:2018-12-29 11:10:16  点击量:

报告题目Structuring Liquids

Prof. Thomas P. Russell





Thomas P. Russell教授为国际著名高分子科学家,美国工程院院士、美国麻省大学高分子科学与工程系Silvio O. Conte杰出教授、加州大学伯克利分校兼职教授、Macromolecules副主编其研究涵盖高分子表面界面性质、高分子相转变、嵌段共聚物自组装、纳米粒子自组装、高分子基太阳能电池等众多领域,曾获2004美国物理学会Polymer Physics Prize2004荷兰高分子学奖 (Dutch Polymer Award)2012美国材料学会Fred Kavli奖、2016美国化学会奖(ACS Award for Applied Polymer Science),中国化学会荣誉会士等奖项。在ScienceNature等杂志共发表论文700多篇(其中在NatureScience主刊上发表20多篇),H-index 141,在国际高分子学界享有盛誉。


   The ability to manipulate and lock-in the shape of one liquid in a second, i.e structuring the liquids, allows the generation of unique materials that have the dynamics and mobility of liquids but the structural integrity of a solid. Bicontinuous fluids for separations, novel encapsulants for delivery systems, or all-liquid charge transport systems can be envisioned. Yet, these fluids have shapes that are far removed from their equilibrium shape and developing routes to kinetically lock-in these non-equilibrium shapes while retaining the local fluidity is key. We describe the in situ generation of nanoparticle surfactants that assemble at the liquid/liquid interface. When the liquids are brought into non-equilibrium shapes, the nanoparticle surfactants will jam at the interface, freezing in the shapes of the liquids. The assemblies of nanoparticles surfactants assume in-plane mechanical properties that range from liquid-like to solid-like behavior, depending on the areal density of the assemblies. By integrating superparamagnetic nanoparticles into the assemblies, the structured liquids are found to exhibit rather unusual magnetic characteristics in response to an external magnetic field.    External stimuli, as for example pH, electric or magnetic fields or temperature, can then be used to re-shape the liquids, so that the structured liquids can be adaptive.  We will also describe the printing of water constructs in water by the formation of polycationic-polyanionic coascervates at the interface and the unique diffusive characteristics imparted tot eh printed assemblies.

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