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作者:  发布:2017-12-27 18:21:48  点击量:

报告题目:Dynamic DNA Structures for Information Relay Visulized by AFM






宋杰,上海交通大学电子信息与电气工程学院仪器科学与工程系特别研究员, 在纳米生物医学工程研究所工作。于2009年兰州大学物理专业本科毕业,2014年获得丹麦奥胡斯大学生物物理方向博士学位。之后在丹麦奥胡斯大学和美国埃默里大学从事博士后研究。 至今,已发表文章30余篇,其中包括 ScienceNature, Nature Nano, Nature Chemistry, Nature Communication, PNAS, JACS等国际顶级期刊,现主持科技部重点专项课题,国家自然基金国际合作重点项目等项目。 课题组现在主要的研究方向是高分辨AFM动态成像,单细胞操纵, DNA纳米技术在生物医学方向的应用,以及智能诊疗仪器的开发。


   Our research interests focus on the development of advanced Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) for biomedical analysis and manipulation. For this talk, I will give a brief introduce about the dynamic DNA structures for information relay. Now it is a very exciting time for DNA-based molecular self-assembly. Progress in the field points to a distant, but promising future that the full potential of bimolecular self-assembly may be realized. We can envision that one day artificial systems as large, and as complex as their biological counterparts will be rationally programmed and assembled. However, in spite of the rapid progress in the field of structural DNA technology, the functionality and dynamic behaviors of current massive, complex DNA structures are greatly dwarfed by naturally occurred biomolecular systems. This lack of sophisticated dynamic behaviors limits the advancement of the field. To address this problem, we developed a new concept to build large, scalable DNA structures that can go through step-by-step reversible transformation controlled by specifically designed pathways. Considering information transfer at molecular level is fundamental in many chemical reactions and biological processes (e.g. transmembrane isgnaling), we belever our study on this novel artificial DNA system will not only have impact on the field of structural DNA technology and its applications, but also help us to better understand information transfer in other chemical and biologcial systems.

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