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加拿大滑铁卢大学Boxin Zhao教授做客第317期化苑讲坛

作者:  发布:2017-12-13 10:51:46  点击量:

报告题目:Bio-inspired Adhesion Technologies and Interfacial Engineering

Prof. Boxin Zhao





Dr. Boxin Zhao is a tenured associate professor at the University of Waterloo. He obtained his PhD in Chemical Engineering from McMaster University in 2004, worked as a postdoc at UCSB in 2005-2008.  Since joining the University of Waterloo in 2008, Professor Zhao has established the Laboratory of Surface Science and Bionanomaterials, working on both fundamental and applied research. He have 180 publications in total; 85 are peer-refereed papers on the top journals including Macromolecules, Langmuir, Advanced Materials, and Advanced Functional Materials. He was awarded the Early Researcher Award from the Province of Ontario in 2012 and was awarded a prestigious Fulbright Visiting Research Chair at UCSB from Fulbright Canada in 2015. The current research interests of his group are in the areas of multifunctional composites, interfacial technologies and surface science, biomimetic adhesion and adhesives, biopolymers, 3D printing, interfacial phenomena and contact dynamics in polymers and biological systems.


Phenomena at the surface and interface are integral to many chemical and material engineering processes. Finely-tuned interfacial layer plays important roles in the development of advanced materials and manufacturing processes at ever-smaller scales, where the adhesion and surface forces play the dominant roles in the materials assembly and packaging. In this presentation, I will present our recent development of interfacial adhesion technologies, inspired by the superior adhesion power of biological organisms such as the marine mussel adhesive protein, gecko adhesive foot hair, and lotus leave’s self-cleaning micro/nano structures, and the latest exploration of using liquid crystal elastomer as a backing material to deliver switchable “on/off” adhesive properties for macroscopic soft grippers.

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