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Héctor D. Abru?a

作者:  发布:2017-05-12 00:00:00  点击量:

 康奈尔大学Héctor D. Abruña 教授做客第258期化苑讲坛


报告题目:Novel Materials, Architectures and Operando Methods in Electrical Energy Storage

   Héctor D. Abruña 教授






Professor Abruña, Emile M.Chamot Professor of Chemistry, completed his graduate studies with Royce W. Murray and Thomas J. Meyer at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1980 and was a postdoctoral research associate with Allen J. Bard at the University of Texas at Austin. After a brief stay at the University of Puerto Rico, he moved to Cornell in 1983.

He was Director of the Energy Materials Center at Cornell (emc2) and Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology from 2004-2008. Prof. Abruña has been the recipient of numerous awards including a Presidential Young Investigator Award, Sloan Fellowship, J. S. Guggenheim Fellowship and J. W. Fulbright Senior Fellow. He is the recipient of the Electrochemistry Award for the American Chemical Society (2008), and the C.N. Reilley Award in Electrochemistry for 2007. He was elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 2007, member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2007 and Fellow of the International Society of Electrochemistry in 2008. He received the D. C. Grahame Award from the Electrochemical Society for 2009 and the Faraday Medal of the Royal Society for 2011 and the Brian Conway Prize from the International Society of Electrochemistry for 2013. In 2013, he was made Fellow of the Electrochemical Society. Prof. Abruña is the co-author of over 440 publications and has given over 575 invited lectures world-wide. Out of the 50 students that, to date, have obtained a Ph.D. under his direction, 14 have gone on to faculty positions.



This presentation will deal with the development of new materials, architectures and operando methods for the study and characterization of electrical energy storage (battereries and supercaps) materials. The presentation will begin with a brief overview of the methods employed. Particular emphasis will be placed on the use of X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) X-ray microscopy and tomography and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) under active potential control. The utility of these methods will be illustrated by selected examples studies of Li/S batteries, including Li deposition and 3-D batteries, organic battery and supercapacitors materials, NMC materials and symmetric redox flow batteries. The use of operando TEM will be illustrated by studies of the lithiation/de-lithiation dynamics of LiFePO4 via energy-filtered TEM. The presentation will conclude with an assessment of future directions.


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